Contact Get Fit with Zumba

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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us using email.

Do I need to buy a pass to attend a class?

No! You can drop-in anytime! My drop-in price is $10 per class. Punch cards are also available as an option!

What should I bring to class?

Bring a towel, water and lather on the sunscreen! Even a mister bottle or wet towel in case! But for sure, be ready to have some fun!

Do I need to register for your classes?

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are limited with how many people we can have at our outdoor and in-person classes so make sure to register for the class you want to attend!

Do your passes expire?

No, they never expire!

Still Need Help? Send us a note

If you want any information about our Zumba Fitness classes in Milton Ontario, fill out the form below!

Thank you for getting in touch! We'll get back to you shortly!